Arcade Fire
Kanye West
How soon is now (The smiths)
The cutter (Echo & the bunnymen)
perfect kiss (New order)
(The pale fountains)
(The Jesus and Mary Chain)
The shape of heart
Welcome to the jungle (Guns)
Lust for life、Beggars Banquet
(The blue hearts)
Family affair
Walk on the wildside
The Pastels
(Patti Smith)
(Bo Gumbos)
(The pogues)
(Lenny Kravitz)
Sometime(My bloody valentine)
(Beastie boys)
everything flows(Teenage fan club)
Start again(Teenage fan club)
(The black crowes)
Chuck berry
Carnival(The cardigans)
Mellon Colle and the infinite sadness(The smashing pumpkins)
Headache (frank Black)
PJ Harvey
Green day
Brand new Cardillac(the Clash)
Push kings
Sports guitar
Here comes the summer(Bike Ride)